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Nature and sports

Nature and sports

Zábavný park Nepomuk –children’s amusement park

Opening hours: May and June (Saturdays and Sundays) 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. / July and August (Mondays to Sundays) 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. / September (Saturdays and Sundays) 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Location/Address: Kozlovická 539, 335 01 Nepomuk

Contacts: Tel.: +420 608 113 301 /

Climbing frames, sand pits, slides, swings, trampolines for children and adults, volleyball and football tennis courts, darts, skittles, and a children's wading pool.


Na Skále lookout tower - Železný Újezd

Opening hours: May to October (daily) 10 a.m. - noon / 12:30 p.m. – 5 p.m. / Admission fee: CZK 15

Near Železný Újezd, just several dozen metres from bike path No. 2039 connected to path No. 2149, leading along the road between the villages of Železný Újezd and Přešín, a cell and lookout tower was built in 2003. Motorists may park their cars by the road, while a bike parking rack is ready for cyclists at the foot of the tower. For all of them, there is a sheltered seating area.


The foot of the lookout tower is 672 m. a.s.l., and the observation deck is 25.5 m higher. It is a typical metal-structure cell tower. Depending on the weather, you may see far into the distance. The Šumava range, the chateau and hill of Zelená Hora, Radyně Castle, a part of Pilsen as well as the cooling towers of the Temelín nuclear power plant and perhaps even the peaks of the Alps may be visible. The lookout tower is run by the municipality of Čížkov.


Pod Zelenou horou (Below Zelená Hora Hill) Nature Trail

Opening hours: free access throughout the year / Round Zelená Hora: Nepomuk - Klášter - Nepomuk

The beginning of the trail is in the upper part of the square in Nepomuk. Along these almost 4.5 kilometres, you will find nine stops with information boards. They present the history, the landscape as well as interesting personalities of the region. The trail leads from the city of  Nepomuk past Zelená Hora Chateau to the village of Klášter and back to the city. It is the first nature trail in the Nepomuk Region. The first stop presents the history of the city of Nepomuk, the second board provides information about the former post office and famous local artists – painters Augustin Němejc and Viktor Pešek, and writer Alexandr Berndorf. The third stop is at the statue and spring well of St. John of Nepomuk and is dedicated to this local saint. Other boards speak of the landscape and animals, Zelená Hora Chateau, the Úslava River and its fauna. One stop is dedicated to the village of Klášter (Monastery), founded on the site of a former Cistercian monastery from the 12th century. On the way back to Nepomuk, tourists can stop on Červený most (Red Bridge) and at the Chapel of St. Adalbert. Each stop offers a competition question for children. At the end, they will find out whether their answers were correct. Each board also offers an esoteric meditation or a piece of poetry or an automatic drawing by Eva Suttnerová, a promoter of this type of art from the town of Starý Plzenec.


The trail is suitable for pedestrians, cyclists and families with children, and is accessible for prams

Nový Rybník Campground and RV Park

Open: May to September / Address: Plzeňská 456, 335 01 Nepomuk
Email: / Tel.: +420 371 591 336 /

Accommodation in a campground and RV park, accommodation services. Sports ground and children’s playground. 2 and 4-bed cabins, tent and RV areas are available as well as a mini-golf course, a football pitch, a tennis and a volleyball court. Option of cycling trips on marked bike paths and swimming; a paddle boat rental and “Koliba” restaurant are on the premises.


Children’s playground in Zelený Důl neighbourhood

A large children’s playground with wooden equipment.

Opening hours: free access / Address: Myslivecká ulice street

ZOO Ždírec – a forest park for children

Opening hours: free access / Address: Ždírec 34
Email: /

Admission fees: free

A free access park in the forest above the village of Ždírec–Myť. Children can enjoy the many monkey bars and swings, learn about the diversity of the local fauna and see many sculptures of animals. The place is an ideal starting point for a walk about Chejlava Nature Reserve and a climb to the rocky ledge of Kámen (Stone), offering a lovely view of the surrounding landscape.


Poustevna (Hermitage) Na Skalici Hill

Opening hours: free access

South of the village of Prádlo there is a hill called Na Skalici. Its northeast slope hosts a smallish round Romantic building built upon one of several odd-shaped rocks of a rocky outcrop. The building, dubbed Poustevna (Hermitage), looks almost the same as it does in photographs from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Poustevna itself, surrounded by full-grown trees, does not promise any great views. Views of the surrounding landscape are offered only by the edge of the rock, however, there is no path to it. This is why the small, often isolated rocks of interesting shapes, located on a relatively small area, are known only to rock-lovers.


You can get to Poustevna following the red tourist mark. Most tourist guidebooks say that Poustevna is located on the top of Na Skalici Hill. The top is 560.9 m. a.s.l. and actually is no special place of interest. It does not provide any landscape views and there is no path leading there. The rocks with Poustevna are actually below the peak on the northeast slope of the hill.


Brdy CHKO (protected landscape area) – A large wildlife area in the borderland of Central, West, and South Bohemia

Phone: +420 724 204 129  /

The southern tip of the recently declared  Brdy Protected Landscape Area stretches into the region of Nepomuk. Most of this territory consists of the continuous growth of the forest districts of  Spálené Poříčí and Chynín, the western part is a mosaic of forested and agricultural landscapes. Its deep forests, meadows ablaze with flowers, harsh climate, and rural character make the area very attractive. The local forests hide the highest peak of the south county of Pilsen, Nad Maráskem Hill (800.5 m. a.s.l.). The surface waters of this part of the protected landscape area flow into the Bradava River, except the southern tip, which is drained by Smolivecký Creek.


Tourist and bike paths – Through the surroundings of Nepomuk on bike or foot

Hike length: 14–16 km

Places of interest: Červený most (Red Bridge), Poustevna (Hermitage), Prádlo distilleries, Nový Rybník Campground, Potštejn Castle ruins, Žinkovy Chateau (closed to public), chateau garden, Žinkovy Local Art and History Museum and information centre, “Asociace sportu pro všechny” sports centre, “Vojovická Draha” and “Novoveská Draha” natural monuments, Soběsuky – restaurant and guesthouse


Follow the red tourist marking from Nepomuk towards Klášter village to Červený most bridge, then continue along an avenue of trees (still following the red marks) to the forests above the village of Prádlo. There, you can see a Romantic building called Poustevna (Hermitage).


Poustevna, Borek nad Prádlem forest - Na Skalici Hill (560 m. a.s.l.) – a smallish round Romantic building built as a relaxation haven for Countess Vilemína Aueršperková, who liked taking horse rides around the surrounding area.

The red tourist trail will then lead you to the village of Prádlo.


The village was founded in the 12th century as a settlement of gold washers – sand panning in the area is reminded by placers in the vicinity (best visible along the road to Novotníky village). There are 3 distilleries in the village, visiting them is a highlight of the trip (learning about liquor production and tasting the products).


Leaving Prádlo, cross the main road to Přeštice and follow a dirt road past a chapel to Nový rybník Lake. The restaurant at the Nový rybník campground is open to the public during summer, offering meals and snacks to tourists. If the weather is hot, you can have a swim in the lake.


The yellow tourist trail will take you to the ruins of Potštejn Castle. The route passes a pavilion and you will also have the opportunity to see the romantic surroundings of Žinkovy Chateau. In the town of Žinkovy, you can visit Vlastivědné muzeum (the local history and art museum) and the town’s information centre.


The sports centre of the sports association near the chateau offers the opportunity to enjoy some sports. You can play mini-golf, tennis, or volleyball there.


The green tourist trail will lead you from the chateau to the villages of Vojovice and Nová Ves u Nepomuku, where you will see the natural monuments of Vojovická draha (a natural monument protecting swampy peat meadows with protected and endangered flora species (6.13 hectares/15.14 acres, est. 1990)) and Novoveská draha (a natural monument protecting swampy meadows with isolated granite boulders and rare flora (4.93 hectares/10.35 acres, est. 1990)). You can then continue from Nová Ves to Soběsuky, where there is Angusfarm, a stylish restaurant offering great cuisine which uses the farm’s own environmentally-friendly farm products and the products of local farmers. It also offers stylish accommodation. A great way to finish the trip is visiting one of the pubs in Nepomuk or choosing from the rich offer of cultural events.



Indoor and open-air town swimming pools – suitable especially for children

Opening hours in summer: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Address Na Vinici 375, 33501 Nepomuk, Nádražní ulice
The size of the swimming pools of the elementary school in Nepomuk predetermines them primarily for children. They will provide a great opportunity for swimming especially for families with children; however, adults can have a good swim there as well. The opening hours depend on the weather. The season is May to September.


Chejlava National Nature Reserve – A primaeval beech forest not far from Nepomuk

The national nature reserve of Chejlava is found on the slope of Buková Hora Hill (651 m. a.s.l.), rising northeast of Měcholupy village located northwest of Nepomuk. Chejlava Natural Reserve is part of the Buková hora - Chýlava Nature Park.


One of the most beautiful beech forests of Southeast Bohemia can be found in the nature reserve. This nature reserve was established as early as in 1925, and it covers 25.9 hectares / 64 acres. In this area, the forest of primaeval character grows upon lydite bedrock. Apart from beeches, sycamores, oaks, and spruces may also be found there. Under the tree crowns, a number of plants prosper, such as the sweet scented bedstraw, the common and whorled Solomon’s seal, the periwinkle, the martagon lily and the herb-paris.


Marked tourist trails and a bike path lead through the nature park, of which the nature reserve is a part. The bike path can be accessed from the bike trail leading north from Nepomuk. The green tourist trail runs close to the nature reserve. The closest you can get to the nature reserve of Chejlava is by climbing Buková Hora Hill. You can get to Buková Hora by heading north from Nepomuk past Zelená Hora Hill over the peak of Kámen (576 m. a.s.l.). Another marked trail to Buková Hora leads northwest from the railway station in Srby village. It is also possible to go south from the railway station of Ždírec village to the crossroads of Chejlava and then west to the peak of the hill. There is also a marked tourist trail south from the town of Blovice, which will take you to the peak of Buková Hora over the peak of Chocenická Skála Hill (558 m. a.s.l.).


Pod Štědrým Nature Park

The nature park covers 2,500 hectares / 6,177 acres. It is located in the Nepomucká vrchovina uplands east of Nepomuk. The park is a unique example of the harmonious, typically Czech landscape in its typical upland relief with a diverse mosaic of forests, groves, meadows, and fields with numerous creeks and water bodies and typical minor settlements. The landscape is dominated by Štědrý Hill (667.9 m. a.s.l.), visible from far away. The park is interwoven by the Víska, Liškovský (Bílý) and Přebudovský Creeks. The scenic beauty of the park is enhanced by the Velký Životický, Velký Přebudovský, and Mohelnický fishponds.


Buková Hora Nature Park – Chýlava

The heart of the large nature park (2,700 hectares / 6,671 acres) is the Chýlava forest plot on the left bank of the Úslava River, its highest peak is Buková Hora Hill (651 m. a.s.l.).


In the northern part of the territory, Proterozoic slate with lydite elements (such as the geomorphologically interesting rock of Velký kámen) prevail, in the central part the dominant stone is spilite, and in the southern part there are phyllite slate, horn stones and related biotite granite. A large part of the area is still covered by deciduous and mixed forests featuring beeches, or oaks at lower elevations. Representative beech woods and debris vegetation may be found in Chejlava National Nature Reserve, where plants such as the wolfsbane (Aconitum vulparia) and the martagon lily (Lilium martagon) prosper. In the middle of the forest, there are  meadow enclaves with the characteristic names of Přední Ráje and Zadní Ráje (Front and Rear Paradise) consisting of well-preserved flowery meadow growth with the presence of the globeflower (Trollius europaeus). Apart from the regular species of owls and predatory birds, the forests are a habitat for the black stork (Ciconia nigra).


An important landscape axis is the Úslava River, flowing through the open agricultural landscape along the borders of the nature park, which together with the local villages, scattered farms, groves and isolated greenery crown the character of the rural area.


Kákov Nature Park – Plánický Hřeben Ridge – Category: Natural sights

Kakov Nature Parks – The Plánický Hřeben Ridge is the apical part of Plánická vrchovina highlands. The highlands form a certain migration crossroads among the ranges of Šumava and Brdy and the Blatenské pohoří upland. The area is dominated by the hills of Rovná (728 m. a.s.l.), Barák (706 m. a.s.l.), Na Balkáně (706 m. a.s.l.), and Stírka (706 m. a.s.l.).

The territory is the headwater of the Úslava (in its upper course also called the Bradlava) River. The important water courses include the creeks of Čeletický potok, Kunkovický potok, and Pařezský potok. On the slopes of Kákov Nature Park, there are several spring areas drained by the Mihovka creek, which flows through the Jednota fishpond and empties into the Úslava River at Nepomuk.


The mosaic structure of forests, agricultural land, minor water bodies, and small settlements stands out in the rugged relief.


The Úslava River

The river flows through the Nepomuk region. It is a 137 km long right-side tributary of the Berounka, which it joins in Pilsen. Near Nepomuk, the Úslava River receives Mihovka Creek, flowing through Nepomuk as well as the strong Myslívský potok creek. The Úslava flows through the Klášterský rybník fishpond, below which there are two weirs. The lower of them is especially picturesque and a popular destination for walks and trips. The Klášterský rybník fishpond is a paradise for anglers, and in summertime it is also attractive for swimmers. The Úslava River is a relatively small water course; canoers are rarely seen there.


Bouřidla Natural Monument – A juniper oasis above Čmelíny village

The west-oriented slope of Hrby Hill (517.9 m. a.s.l.) called Na Bouřidle hosts a rich growth of juniper trees spreading over a 11.54 hectare / 28,52 acre area located 1-1.5 kilometres north of Čmelíny village.

It is estimated that there are close to a thousand common juniper trees of various sizes and ages.


Novoveská Draha Natural Monument - Pastures ablaze with flowers

These 4.93 hectares /10.35 acres of meadows in the valley of a nameless creek are at the north-western edge of the village of Nová Ves u Nepomuka. The reason for their protected status is a mosaic of meadow, heath, and wetland biocenose types of vegetation with rare species of plants and animals. A part of this monument is also a smallish water body and a nameless creek beginning in the area. Protected plants growing there include the Siberian iris, the marsh gentian, the saw wort, the catsfoot, and the western march orchid. Protected animals are represented by the common water frog, the sand lizard, the ringed snake, and the red-backed shrike. The bedrock of the monument consists of muscovite-biotite granodiorites, reaching the surface in the form of granodiorite rocks.


Vojovická Draha Natural Monument

One kilometre east of Vojovice village, there are 6.13 hectares / 15.14 acres of  swampy meadows in a basin-type valley.

The area is protected because of its peat and swampy meadows, which provide a habitat for protected and endangered plant species.


Svatojakubská poutní cesta (The Way of St. James) from Prague to Santiago de Compostela

The Way of St. James follows the steps of St. James the Great on his missionary journey from Jerusalem to the Iberian Peninsula about 2,000 years ago. This patron saint of pilgrims was, according to a legend, buried in the westernmost tip of the peninsula, in the place of today’s Santiago de Compostela. The Way of St. James connects churches dedicated to St. James and other important places of spiritual significance.


The city of Nepomuk is on the so-called southern route of the Czech Way of St. James (Prague-Příbram-Klatovy-Regensburg).


Children’s playground at the Sokol Community Center

A playground in the sports centre near the elementary school


Park in Železná Huť neighbourhood

Address: Huťská / V Parku - 335 03 Nepomuk - Železná Huť
Swings under sturdy trees in the square of Železná Huť, an old ironworkers’ settlement, now a neighbourhood of Nepomuk.


Na Vinici III children’s playground

A small fenced-in children’s playground next to house No. 555, right by a forest.


Children’s playground in Lesnická Street

Address: Lesnická ulice, 335 03 Nepomuk - Dvorec

Fishing permits - Nový Rybník Campground near Nepomuk
Tel.: +420 732 251 955
Fishing permits available from Mr. Milo – Nový Rybník Campground


Swimming - Nový Rybník Campground (direction to Žinkovy)
The beach is located on the way to Žinkovy, access is from the campground (admission fee, refreshments), access from the forest below the dam is free.
: 27. 5. 2019

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